Thursday, December 22, 2011

Be Strong and Courageous

It's hard to love a wild man. I should know. I married one almost 16 years ago, and birthed another one in 2008. But, I'm not talking about either one of them. I am talking about my GOD. I love my UNTAMEABLE GOD and I am completely secure in HIS love for me. Yet, HE makes me uncomfortable...and HE does it on purpose! HE doesn't want us sitting on the beach sipping umbrella drinks, soaking in the safe life. HE is a mountain climber, an ocean diver, a fire walker. HE bids me to go with HIM to the dangerous places, the places where the cost is great...and so is the adventure. They are places where I have no certainty or security in anything but HIM. HE likes it that way. "This is where the fun is," HE claims. HE's right. I think I want the white picket fence, the consistent, scheduled, safe life....but I don't. I want HIM.
More than a year ago, my WILD MAN began priming my heart, filling it with thoughts and dreams and desires for Africa. Every beautiful African face I saw on television, or the internet or in a book, would cause a flood of HIS love to begin flowing through me for them. Then came the Rhema, the word HE kept saying over and over: "Be Strong and Courageous". I should have known HE was preparing me for our next adventure.
Should I be surprised at all then, that on December 17th, 2011 my feet made their very first footprints in the beautiful dirt of Conakry, Guinea AFRICA, my new home.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9


  1. Wonderful idea to do this blog! I'm so inspired by what you say here. Blessings to you and your wild Jesus lov'in family.

  2. Something so richly wonderful about seeing your little man in his Aggie jersey extending his hand half way across the globe. I am giddy about this...still. Love how He loves you and ordered your steps right to the very place your heart desired. Praying, clapping and celebrating the adventure of a lifetime that awaits for you and all those Smiths :)
