Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I am supposed to be leaving in less than thirty minutes and none of my kids are dressed.  My hair is dripping wet and I am nowhere near ready to walk out the door.  I just heard a horn outside which means our driver is here already too.  
So, why in the world am I blogging right now?

Because I can't stand it.

This morning I am overwhelmed with the reality that EVERY tribe and tongue is brought to JESUS.  I think of our sweet friends who spend every Sunday morning sitting on the floor with former Muslims who are learning how to worship JESUS in their culture...in HIS flavor of worship for them. 
I think of my friend from long ago whose body was canvased with tattoos.  He worshiped with other strange looking JESUS lovers.  And GOD loves it!

I think of my brothers and sisters in the Middle East who worship HIM in Arabic.

I think of my siblings in Israel who worship YHWH their GOD of covenant.  

I think of my neighbors here in Africa who worship with loud voices and boisterous dance.

I think of my own children who dance and sing and say simple, love-filled things to JESUS.

It is absolutely overwhelming to me.  The beauty of it is beyond description.  

I love YOU, GOD of every NATION!! YOU are WILD and WONDERFUL and YOU love every last weird one of us.   

Who is like THIS GOD? 

No one  

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post Carrie. How do I get your blog updates sent to my email like some other blogs I get. I'm on your subscriber list, but it may be a setting that you need to activate. It would be great to have your updates come directly to email, because sometimes I forget to check. Blessings my friend!!!
